How did we get here?
The OPW, working in partnership with Galway County Council (GCC) and other Local Authorities, have commissioned the South Galway (Gort Lowlands) Flood Relief Scheme Study. The objectives of the study are to:
- Assess and map the existing and potential future flood risk within the Study Area.
- Identify viable structural and non-structural options and measures for the effective and sustainable management of flood risk in the Gort Lowlands Area.
- Prepare a local Flood Risk Management Plan (FRMP) for the Study Area which will include for the proposed Scheme and other measures for the area that sets out the policies, strategies, measures and actions that should be pursued by the relevant bodies, including Local Authorities, the OPW and other Stakeholders, to achieve the most cost-effective and sustainable management of existing and potential future flood risk within the area, taking account of environmental plans, objectives and legislative requirements and other statutory plans and requirements.
- Assess the potential economic viability of the identified preferred flood risk option and management measures (The Scheme).
An in-depth assessment of the Gort Lowlands area has been undertaken, and preliminary viable Scheme options are being explored for the Gort Lowlands area, including the following:
- Construction of high-level flood relief channels along existing overland flow-paths
- Construction and upgrading of existing culverts throughout the study area
- Road raising works
- Construction of pumping stations and flood embankments
- Existing swallow hole/spring and channel maintenance
As part of this project, the FRS options detailed above, along with other potentially viable options will be subject to further engineering assessment. The potentially viable options will also be fully appraised as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment process for the scheme.
Click here to see how this community was assessed (You will be redirected to
Click here for GSI Flood mapping link.