
The project will comprise of five stages, as set out below:

Stage I – Options Assessment, Scheme Development and Design

  • Modelling of current and future flood risk in the Study Area
  • Mapping of the current and future flood risk in the Study Area
  • Assessment of potential flood risk management options to alleviate the risk of flooding to the Gort Lowlands area
  • Carry out a Feasibility Study to establish whether a scheme exists which will alleviate flooding in the study area, and which is both environmentally and economically feasible
  • Prepare a preliminary Benefit Cost Analysis for the preferred option
  • Reporting with respect to Appropriate Assessment
  • Complete an Environmental Impact Assessment Report
  • Undertake a Valuation Survey to identify each reputed proprietor, owner and rated or other occupier of lands/property on which works are proposed under the preferred scheme or which may be interfered with during the course of the works including access routes and future maintenance routes.

Stage II – Public Exhibition and finalizing the scheme

  • Undertake a full Benefit Cost Analysis
  • Public Exhibition of the preferred Scheme under the Arterial Drainage Acts, 1945 & 1995
  • Consideration of observations received, amending the scheme on foot of consideration of these observations and preparation of exhibition report

Stage III – Detailed Design

  • Undertake and complete the detailed design of the final preferred scheme
  • Prepare the Scheme for Confirmation by the Minister for the Department of Public Expenditure & Reform
  • Prepare Contract Documents and undertake the procurement of a works contractor to construct the Scheme

Stage IV – Construction

Stage V – Handover of Works