
Consultation 26 February – 03 April 2021

We would like your views on the South Galway (Gort Lowlands) Flood Relief Scheme. The scheme has been developed by Galway County Council in partnership with the Office for Public Works (OPW) and will be submitted under the Arterial Drainage Acts 1945 and 1995.  

The questionnaire will close on Saturday 3 April  2021.  

Privacy and Confidentiality 

Galway County Council undertakes to hold any information provided to it by individuals or others on a confidential basis, subject to Galway County Council’s obligations under law, including the Freedom of Information Act.  If, for any reason, it is intended that information provided to Galway County Council should not be disclosed due to the sensitive nature of such information, it is incumbent on the person or body supplying the information to make clear this wish and to specify the reasons for the information’s sensitivity.   

Galway County Council will consult with any individual or body so supplying sensitive information before making a decision on any freedom of information request received. 

Access to the information provided will be GDPR compliant and findings will be reported on a trends basis only and allow us to demonstrate our engagement with diverse members of the community. The survey has been developed in line with the Market Research Society (MRS) Code of Conduct and the Data Protection Act (2018) and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). 

Section 1 is About You.
Section 2 is Scheme Questions.
Where there is an asterisk, this data is required to be considered in the consultation.