Tell me more about the Arterial Drainage Act.
Historically, OPW have carried out a number of arterial drainage schemes on catchments under the Arterial Drainage Act, 1945, and flood defence schemes under the Arterial Drainage (Amendment) Act, 1995.
It is currently proposed to advance this scheme under the Arterial Drainage Acts (1945 & 1995).
The first formal consultation process under the Arterial Drainage Act is Public Exhibition (see What is Public Exhibition?).
What is Public Exhibition?
Public Exhibition is the formal consultation process for projects being progressed under the Arterial Drainage Acts. All the scheme drawings and Environmental reports are displayed in a local venue (COVID-19 permitting) for a period of 4-6 weeks, with members of the Project team attending on four well-advertised dates to help with queries from the public. A separate online display will also be available during this time.
All known or reputed property owners directly impacted by the proposed works, are given a Statutory Notice in advance of the Exhibition, that includes details of all proposed works on their property. Any person may make a submission on the proposals which are taken into account before the project progresses and is submitted to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform for consent under the Arterial Drainage Acts. Anyone making a submission will be given a formal response.
Will I get compensation for losses as a result of any works on my property?
Any landowner who suffers loss or damage to their property during the course of the construction works is entitled to make a claim for compensation to the Commissioners of Public Works, as set out in the Arterial Drainage Acts.
I am concerned that works proposed on my land will affect the operation of my farm, single farm payment, Glas scheme, etc.
The current Public Consultation Process is an ideal opportunity to bring these concerns to the attention of the Project Team. The scheme presented is the Emerging Preferred Scheme, and will be subject to further review through the design process, taking views and concerns of stakeholders into account. The design will be reviewed taking into account specific issues raised by landowners.
Please also note response relating to compensation.
How will the scheme be funded?
OPW is providing funding for the initial phases of the project (feasibility up to Public Exhibition). OPW will continue to fund the scheme, provided it remains environmentally acceptable and cost beneficial through to scheme construction.
Am I at risk of flooding?
Flood mapping has been drawn up for the scheme. This can be viewed here
What is the purpose of the scheme?
The purpose of the scheme is to alleviate flooding in the Gort Lowlands area to protect residential and commercial properties from flooding in the 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) Event, also known as the ‘1 in 100 year’ event.
What will happen if I make a submission at this point?
All submissions made at this point will be considered by the Project Team. The scheme presented is the Emerging Preferred Scheme, and will be subject to further review through the design process, taking views and concerns of stakeholders into account. Once a Scheme has been defined, it will be carried forward to Public Exhibition under the Arterial Drainage Acts (1945 & 1995) (see What is Public Exhibition?).
Where can I find more details on the works proposed?
Please check out our Public and Stakeholder Engagement page. Drawings and reports are available to view on the Project Documents page.
Is anyone available to help me read the maps and drawings?
Information has been made available on the Public and Stakeholder Engagement and Project Documents page. This information presented on the website includes drawings and mapping in addition to Computer Generated Images and short videos explaining the Emerging Preferred Scheme. A video has been posted on the Public and Stakeholder Engagement page, which explains the different layers presented in the maps and drawings. The drawings have also been sorted by location on the Project Documents page.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the 2021 public consultation is taking place online. It is acknowledged that some people have difficulty understanding maps. A further period of consultation is therefore proposed to follow the easing of the present Covid-19 restrictions, during which site-based meetings with landowners and other stakeholders will be possible.